Saturday, September 12, 2009

Superman and the tea towel

I guess I was old enough to look through comic books. I know I couldn't read yet. Dad was always building something, fixing something or trying to keep kenny from killing himself.
Linda, (Shena) has told me this story several times over the years. I think I was about five. That put Shena at eight.
It was the era of Superman. Dad was working on the house, Dottie was a baby and Linda was in charge of the neighborhood. Mom was in the house and helped make me Superman. On my T shirt she drew the superman symbol, then she tied a red tea towel around my neck. "sounds bad already doesn't it?"
Our neighborhood was old, but still had open lots. One of them was behind our house and it had a huge pile of lumber stacked up. Dad was always warning us to stay out of the lot because it was dangerous. That made it a magnet for us kids. So out comes superman to conquer the world. I had on my fastest tennis shoes, A big red S on my T shirt, and of course the red cape tied around my neck.
Linda took one look and asked, who are you supposed to be? Sillyman? That really helped my alter ego. I climbed up on the lumber pile and took off for a running leap, side stepping the nails that were poking out of just about every board. Off the end I went, and of course my cape caught on one of the nails. Linda was right on top of things. She held me up while yelling for dad. I can still see dad leaping over the fence. Wow could he run and jump when he needed to. At least for an old guy.
I know Shena probably saved my life, again. They say the age of reasoning is eight years old. After working on some of these stories I'm beginning to think most blond boys hit the age of reasoning at about thirty. My superman days were over. Dad took my cape off and the big red S on my T shirt didn't mean much all by itself. I know what I need. I had to look for a super hero that doesn't use a cape.

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